Liquidity and Collateral Management
Karson can help insurance companies to satisfy regulatory capital and liquidity requirements, while maintaining their desired investment flexibility and goals. Karson’s capital and liquidity-eligible RISCMTP-Notes can be bought or borrowed by insurance companies under committed, term facilities to reduce capital charges and potential rating agency liquidity charges or to provide contingent liquidity and capital.

Derivatives Collateral Management
Derivatives collateral administration and financing requirements under new US and European regulations represent both a challenge and opportunity for insurance companies. Karson can support a range of collateral management strategies for both initial and variation margin requirements that comply with the new regulations in an economically and administratively efficient manner.

Capital and Risk-Based Capital Management
The Karson Group has a long track record of developing and executing reserve and capital financing transactions that are financed in the capital markets. Karson has provided solutions for some of the largest insurance and reinsurance companies to address a range of liquidity, risk and capital financing requirements that have been designed to meet the highest regulatory standards. With expertise spanning Solvency II, AG 48 (in the US Life market) and the UK (e.g., Lloyd’s), Karson represents a one-stop shop for innovative but effective insurance company financing.